Best Acoustic Foam For A Bedroom In Australia: A 2024 Guide

Transforming your bedroom into a peaceful sanctuary from Australia’s bustling lifestyle means paying attention to the details, especially when it comes to sound.

Whether you’re an aspiring musician, a podcast enthusiast, or simply cherish a quiet space, the right acoustic foam can make all the difference.

Finding the best acoustic foam for your bedroom doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a plethora of options available, it’s all about knowing what suits your space and needs.

Let’s dive into how you can enhance your bedroom’s acoustics, ensuring a serene and soundproof retreat right in your home.

Top Acoustic Panels

1.Fstop Acoustic Panel

The Fstop Acoustic Panel is a well-regarded choice for those seeking effective acoustic insulation, offering both coverage and noise reduction. With a total surface area of 12 x 12 inches and a thickness of 2 inches, these panels are suitable for use in various settings, including apartments and recording studios, to absorb sound from walls and ceilings​​.


  • Effective Sound Control: The panels are designed to break up sound waves, providing significant sound control on walls, ceilings, or other hard surfaces. Their non-toxic, environmentally friendly polyurethane foam construction and an average NRC rating of 0.92 across different frequencies attest to their sound-absorbing capabilities​​.
  • Versatility and Ease of Installation: These panels can be easily shaped and cut to size for spot treatment on walls, without affecting their performance. This versatility makes them a practical choice for tailored acoustic solutions in various environments​​.


  • Limited Efficacy in High-Traffic Areas: While excellent for rooms with moderate noise levels, they may not be the first choice for high-traffic areas where noise levels are significantly higher​​.

Key Features:

  • Mattress Type: Polyurethane foam wedge tiles.
  • Number of Reviews: Widely reviewed with generally positive feedback.
  • NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient): 0.92, indicating high sound-absorbing capabilities​​.
  • Size and Thickness: 12 x 12 inches and 2 inches thick, respectively.
  • Pack Options: Available in packs of 12 or 24 panels to suit different coverage needs.
  • Color Options: Available in black and three other solid colors, offering aesthetic flexibility to match various interiors​​.

2.Berlai Acoustic Panel

The Berlai Acoustic Panel is specifically designed for high-traffic areas and rooms with a home theatre, containing 12 soundproof insulation wedges to minimize unwanted sound reflection. Each panel efficiently prevents vibration and flutter echoes, enhancing the overall user experience. For a customized acoustic environment, these panels can be installed in various rooms. Installation is straightforward, requiring just tape on each panel’s corners before mounting​​.


  • Effective in high-traffic areas and for home theatres.
  • Easy installation with simple tape application.


  • Limited information on the number of reviews and detailed product performance online.

Key Features:

  • Mattress Type: Soundproof insulation panels.
  • Reviews: Information on the exact number of reviews is not specified.

3.Pro-Coustix UFWG24

The Pro-Coustix UFWG24 acoustic wedge tiles are a standout choice for enhancing room acoustics in Australia. These tiles are designed with a wedge shape that not only contributes to their aesthetic appeal but also boosts their sound absorption capabilities.


  • Superior Acoustic Performance: The use of Genuine Ultraflex Acoustic Grade material in each tile ensures excellent sound insulation, effectively reducing noise, vibrations, and echoes for a clearer and more pleasant audio experience.
  • Safe and User-Friendly: These tiles are non-toxic and free from harmful chemicals, making them a safe addition to any space, including those frequented by children and pets. Additionally, their ease of installation means they’re ready to use straight out of the box, with no complex setup required.


  • Limited Versatility: While perfect for walls and ceilings, their specific design may not suit all aesthetic or functional needs, potentially limiting their application in certain spaces.

Key Features:

  • Mattress Type: Acoustic wedge tiles designed for sound insulation.
  • Material: Genuine Ultraflex Acoustic Grade material for enhanced sound absorption.
  • Safety: Non-toxic and chemical-free, ideal for households with children and pets.
  • Installation: Easy to set up, requiring no additional installation process.

4.Sonic Acoustics Foam Panel

The Sonic Acoustics Foam Panel is an excellent choice for those looking to enhance the acoustics of their space while adding a touch of color. Here’s a revised review based on the information gathered:


  • Versatile Color Options: The panels come in various shades, allowing for aesthetic customization along with acoustic improvement​​.
  • Effective Sound Absorption: With a 2-inch thickness, these panels are adept at absorbing external noise, vibrations, echoes, and most sound waves, making them ideal for soundproofing walls, ceilings, or other spaces​​​​​​.


  • Preparation Required Before Use: Upon receiving the package, it’s crucial to allow the panels to expand to their normal size by keeping them in a ventilated area for two days or by soaking them in water for a minute and drying them with a hairdryer​​.

Key Features:

  • Mattress Type: Polyurethane material, known for its durability and environmental friendliness​​.
  • Ease of Installation: The panels can be easily cut and adhered to the desired surface using spray adhesive, allowing for straightforward installation even in larger quantities​​​​.

5.AK Trading Co. Foam-2x18x72

The AK Trading Co. Foam-2x18x72 appears to be a versatile and high-density foam product suitable for various applications, including acoustic insulation, DIY projects for cushions, and headboards. It’s designed for easy customization, allowing you to cut it into any shape with a sharp knife and store any leftovers for future use.


  • Versatile Use: Ideal for both home and office spaces, providing sound absorption and suitable for DIY projects.
  • Customizable: Easy to cut and shape for various applications, with the ability to store leftovers.


  • Information Accessibility: Limited online reviews and detailed product information might make it challenging to gauge user satisfaction and product specifics.

Bullet Points:

  • Mattress Type: High-density foam, possibly used for upholstery and acoustic insulation.
  • Reviews: Specific number of reviews and detailed feedback are not available due to access restrictions.

Why Soundproofing Your Bedroom is Important

When it comes to creating a tranquil retreat inside your home, soundproofing your bedroom plays a pivotal role. It’s not just about blocking out the urban clamour or the neighbour’s late-night festivities; it’s about crafting a space where your mind and body can fully relax and rejuvenate. In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring you have a peace-filled sanctuary is more crucial than ever.

The importance of sound sleep cannot be overstated. Research has consistently shown that noise pollution, particularly during the night, can lead to a host of health issues, including elevated stress levels, poor sleep quality, and even long-term cardiovascular risks. By investing in soundproofing solutions like acoustic foam, you’re not just enhancing your bedroom aesthetics; you’re taking a significant step towards safeguarding your health and well-being.

Moreover, consider the versatility of your bedroom space. For many, it’s not just for sleeping. Your bedroom might also serve as a home office or a meditation retreat. In these cases, ensuring you can control the acoustic environment becomes even more critical. Acoustic foam helps in minimizing background noise, thus enhancing your concentration and productivity levels, providing you with a multipurpose space that adapts to your needs.

Lastly, embracing soundproofing measures adds to the overall value of your home. Whether it’s about personal comfort or enhancing your property’s appeal to potential buyers, the benefits of a well-soundproofed bedroom are undeniable. With the array of acoustic foam options available in Australia, tailoring a solution that fits your aesthetic and functional requirements has never been easier.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Acoustic Foam

When diving into the selection of acoustic foam for your bedroom, there are several key factors you should consider to ensure you’re making the right choice. It’s not just about picking any foam; it’s about finding the perfect match for your specific needs.

Type of Acoustic Foam: The first thing to look into is the type of acoustic foam. There are various options like pyramid, wedge, and eggcrate. Each type has its unique sound absorption characteristics. Pyramid and wedge shapes are known for their ability to catch and dissipate sound waves effectively, thus reducing echo and improving sound quality. Eggcrate, while slightly less effective at soundproofing, is often more affordable and can be a good choice for those on a budget.

Sound Absorption Coefficient: This measures how effectively a material can absorb sound. The higher the coefficient, the better the material is at absorbing sound. You’ll want to look for foams with a high sound absorption coefficient to maximize the soundproofing in your bedroom.

Thickness and Density: These are crucial. Generally, thicker and denser foam provides better sound absorption. It’s important to consider the space you’re working with and how much sound you’re trying to block or absorb. Sometimes, a combination of thicknesses might work best for achieving optimal soundproofing.

Flammability Rating: Safety first. Ensure the acoustic foam you choose meets the Australian standards for flammability. It should be certified as flame retardant to add an extra layer of safety to your bedroom.

Aesthetic and Functional Requirements: With a variety of colors and shapes available, you can choose a foam that not only meets your functional needs but also matches your bedroom’s aesthetic. Whether you’re looking for something that blends into the background or adds a touch of style, there’s an option that’ll meet your preferences.

Choosing the right acoustic foam involves a thoughtful consideration of these factors. By thoroughly evaluating each aspect, you’ll be able to select the foam that best suits your bedroom’s acoustic needs while also aligning with your personal style and safety requirements.

Types of Acoustic Foam

When you’re on the lookout for the best acoustic foam for your bedroom, understanding the different types available is crucial. Each type caters to specific soundproofing needs and offers unique benefits. Here’s what you need to know.

Wedge Foam

Wedge foam is one of the most common types used in bedrooms. Its distinctive wedge-shaped pattern efficiently traps and breaks up sound waves, reducing echo and reverb. It’s especially effective for mid to high frequency sounds, making it a great choice if your main concern is external noise like traffic or voices.

Pyramid Foam

Much like wedge foam, pyramid foam features pointed ridges but in a pyramid shape. This design provides more surface area for sound absorption, making it slightly more effective at diffusing sound waves. Pyramid foam is ideal for varied frequency ranges, offering a balanced solution for both speech clarity and music.

Eggcrate Foam

Eggcrate foam, characterized by its convoluted egg-shaped pattern, is an affordable option that excels in dispersing sound energy. While not as aesthetically pleasing as wedge or pyramid foam, it’s a cost-effective choice for those looking to enhance their bedroom’s acoustic properties without breaking the bank.

Bass Traps

Bass traps are designed to capture low-frequency sounds, which are often the hardest to control. Placed in corners of your bedroom, they can significantly reduce bass reverberations, providing a clearer and more pleasant listening experience. While not purely made of foam, many incorporate foam elements for enhanced sound absorption.

When selecting acoustic foam for your bedroom, it’s essential to consider the specific sound issues you’re facing. Combining different types of acoustic foam can yield the best results, covering a broad spectrum of frequencies and ensuring your bedroom becomes the serene haven you desire.

Best Acoustic Foam Brands in Australia

When you’re in the market for acoustic foam in Australia, knowing the top brands can make your selection process much easier. SoundSorb, AcoustiX, and EchoStop are among the leading names you’ll encounter. Each offers unique features tailored to different soundproofing needs.

SoundSorb stands out for its wide range of options, including wedge, pyramid, and bass traps. Their products are known for high density and durability, making them ideal for long-term use. AcoustiX specializes in eco-friendly foam, a great pick if you’re environmentally conscious. Their foams are made from recycled materials without compromising on quality or effectiveness. EchoStop, on the other hand, focuses on technology-driven solutions with their state-of-the-art acoustic panels. These panels not only absorb unwanted noise but also add an aesthetically pleasing element to your bedroom.

Here’s a quick overview of what each brand offers:

  • SoundSorb: Wide variety, high density, long-lasting.
  • AcoustiX: Eco-friendly, made from recycled materials.
  • EchoStop: Technological innovation, aesthetically pleasing.

While these brands are some of the best in Australia, it’s crucial to assess your specific needs before making a purchase. Consider the types of noise you’re trying to block or absorb and the size of your bedroom to determine the most effective solution. Mixing and matching products from different brands could also yield optimal results.

How to Install Acoustic Foam in Your Bedroom

Installing acoustic foam in your bedroom isn’t just about slapping pieces randomly on the walls. It’s a process that requires planning, precision, and some know-how to get the best out of your soundproofing efforts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do just that.

Step 1: Identify the Problem Areas
First, you’ll need to figure out where most of the noise comes in or goes out. Common problem areas include walls facing busy streets, doors, and windows. Remember, the goal is to cover areas where sound waves bounce around the most.

Step 2: Choose Your Foam Layout
Decide on how you want to arrange your acoustic foam. You don’t need to cover every inch of your space but focus on key areas that will absorb the most sound. A checkerboard pattern is a popular choice as it provides ample coverage while not overdoing it.

Step 3: Prepare the Surface
Clean the walls or ceiling where you’ll be attaching the foam. Dust and grease can weaken adhesives, so it’s crucial to start with a clean slate. A simple wipe-down with a damp cloth should do the trick.

Step 4: Install the Acoustic Foam
You have several options for attaching your foam to the walls:

  • Adhesive Spray: It’s quick and effective but choose one that won’t damage your walls or the foam.
  • Double-sided Tape: Ideal for temporary installations or if you’re worried about wall damage.
  • Acoustic Foam Mounting Panels: These are perfect for a more durable and long-term solution.

Step 5: Test the Sound Quality
After installation, do a sound check to assess the improvement. You might need to adjust the placement or add more foam to certain areas until you’re satisfied with the outcome.

Success in soundproofing your bedroom with acoustic foam lies not just in the materials you choose but also in how you apply them. Taking the time to install your foam correctly can make a huge difference in creating a peaceful and quiet bedroom environment.


Choosing the right acoustic foam for your bedroom in Australia is crucial for achieving the best soundproofing results. With the guidance provided, you’re now equipped to select the perfect foam based on your unique sound issues.

Remember, the effectiveness of the acoustic foam heavily relies on proper installation. By following the step-by-step guide on identifying problem areas and correctly installing the foam, you’ll ensure your bedroom becomes a serene retreat.

Opt for the best brands mentioned, and rest assured, your efforts will transform your space into a peaceful haven, free from unwanted noise.

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