Best Place To Buy A Mattress In Brisbane: A 2024 Guide

In today’s digital age, the convenience of online shopping extends to big-ticket items like mattresses, transforming the traditional store-hopping experience into a simple click-and-buy process.

With the ability to browse, compare, and research from the comfort of your own home, you’re not only saving precious time but also gaining access to a wider variety of options. We recommend checking out Emma mattress, which offers a seamless blend of comfort and convenience, tailored to meet your sleeping needs.

What sets it apart is its generous 100-day trial period, a significant upgrade from the mere 5-minute lay-down test in stores. This trial allows you to fully adapt to and experience the mattress in your own sleeping environment, ensuring it meets your comfort and support expectations.

The ease of having it delivered right to your doorstep, ready to be unpacked and enjoyed, further adds to the hassle-free experience, making it an ideal choice for modern consumers looking for both quality and convenience.

Finding the perfect mattress in Brisbane can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. With so many options, how do you know where to start? Fear not, as we’re here to guide you through the maze of choices to find that dream mattress.

Whether you’re after comfort, support, or a bit of both, Brisbane’s got you covered with a range of reputable stores and hidden gems.

Let’s dive into where you can find the best deals, quality, and service to ensure your nights are as restful as they should be.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Mattress in Brisbane

When you’re on the hunt for the perfect mattress in Brisbane, there are several key factors you should consider to ensure you make a well-informed decision. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

Comfort and Support: Above all, your mattress should provide a comfortable sleep experience while offering the right level of support for your body. This often depends on your sleeping position, weight, and any specific pains or discomforts. For instance, side sleepers might benefit from a softer mattress, whereas those with back pain could find relief with firmer options.

Size Matters: Before you step into a store or click “add to basket” online, know the dimensions of the bed frame you’re planning to use. Common Australian mattress sizes include Single, King Single, Double, Queen, and King, each serving different needs and spaces.

Material Quality: The materials a mattress is made from will significantly affect its longevity and comfort level. Memory foam, latex, innerspring, and hybrid mattresses each offer distinct feels and benefits. For example, memory foam provides excellent pressure relief, while innersprings offer a cooler sleep.

Budget Considerations: Set a realistic budget before you start shopping. Remember, a higher price doesn’t always equate to higher quality. Check out the following table for a rough guide on what to expect cost-wise:

Mattress TypeAverage Price Range (AUD)
Innerspring$500 – $1,200
Memory Foam$600 – $2,000
Latex$1,000 – $2,500
Hybrid$800 – $3,000

Trial Periods and Warranties: Many mattress sellers offer trial periods, allowing you to return the mattress if it doesn’t meet your expectations. Similarly, warranties can safeguard your purchase against defects or premature wear. Make sure to read the fine print to know exactly what’s covered.

Armed with these considerations, you’re now better prepared to navigate the vast landscape of mattress shopping in Brisbane. Remember, taking the time to research and test out your options can lead to many years of restful sleep.

Researching Mattress Stores in Brisbane

When embarking on your quest for the perfect mattress in Brisbane, starting with thorough research is key. Online reviews and testimonials offer invaluable insights into customer satisfaction and product quality. You’ll find that platforms such as Google Reviews and host a plethora of feedback on local mattress stores. Pay particular attention to comments about customer service, delivery options, and the hassle-free return policies – factors that make a significant difference in your buying experience.

Engage with social media forums and local community groups where real customers share their unfiltered experiences and recommendations. Brisbane has a tight-knit community feel, and word-of-mouth referrals are gold when it comes to finding trusted retailers.

Moreover, it’s wise to look into the background of the mattress stores on your shortlist. Established stores with a long history in Brisbane are often a safer bet, signifying consistent quality and service over the years. Check their websites for credentials, awards, and partnerships with reputable mattress manufacturers, which signal a store’s commitment to offering superior products.

Don’t forget to visit Brisbane’s annual home and lifestyle expos, where many mattress stores showcase their ranges. These events are perfect for exploring new innovations in mattress technology and securing expo-only deals.

Finally, adjusting your search to include both brick-and-mortar stores and online platforms will broaden your options significantly. Online stores often have fewer overheads and can offer competitive prices, though the trade-off is you won’t be able to test the mattress before buying. However, many online retailers provide generous trial periods, a crucial consideration that allows you to experience the mattress in your own home.

Top Mattress Stores in Brisbane

When you’re on the hunt for the perfect mattress in Brisbane, knowing where to start can be the biggest hurdle. Fortunately, Brisbane is home to a selection of top-tier mattress stores that cater to a wide range of preferences and budgets. Here’s a rundown of some must-visit shops that should be on your radar.


Sleepy’s prides itself on its chiropractor-endorsed range of mattresses designed specifically to support spinal health. Their staff are well-trained to help you find a mattress that aligns with your body’s needs, ensuring a good night’s sleep. With multiple locations across Brisbane, you’re never too far from a Sleepy’s store.

Forty Winks

Another standout is Forty Winks, known for its wide assortment of mattresses, including options from well-known brands such as Sealy, Tempur, and SleepMaker. Their experienced team offers personalized advice, helping you to navigate their extensive range based on your preferences and needs.


Snooze offers a unique experience with its BedMatch system, which recommends the best mattress for you based on your body’s measurements and sleep habits. This tailored approach can significantly narrow down your options, making the selection process less overwhelming.

Online Alternatives

Don’t overlook online retailers. Platforms like Koala and Ecosa have gained popularity for their high-quality foam mattresses and risk-free trial periods. These services deliver your mattress directly to your door and often feature generous return policies if the product doesn’t meet your expectations.

By starting your search at these recommended spots, you’re more likely to find a mattress that offers the perfect balance of comfort, support, and value. Remember, investing time in research and testing out different options in-store or via online trials can make all the difference in finding your ideal mattress.

Finding the Best Deals on Mattresses in Brisbane

When you’re on the hunt for the best mattress deals in Brisbane, timing and strategy are your best friends. Firstly, keep an eye on major sales events like Boxing Day, EOFY (End of Financial Year), and Black Friday. Retailers often offer significant discounts during these periods, making it the perfect time to snag a high-quality mattress at a fraction of the cost.

Another smart approach is to subscribe to newsletters from your favourite mattress stores. This way, you’ll be the first to know about exclusive deals, coupon codes, and members-only sales. It’s a simple step that could lead to big savings on your next mattress purchase.

Don’t forget to leverage the power of negotiation. In brick-and-mortar stores, there’s often wiggle room on the price, especially if you’re paying in cash or buying multiple items. Asking for a better price can sometimes save you anywhere from 5% to 20% off the listed price.

Here’s a brief summary of opportunities for finding great deals:

  • Major Sales Events:
  • Boxing Day
  • EOFY
  • Black Friday
  • Subscription Discounts: Sign up for newsletters to receive exclusive offers.
  • Negotiation: Don’t hesitate to ask for a better deal, especially in physical stores.

Lastly, consider buying floor models or slightly imperfect mattresses. These items are often discounted heavily, and the minor blemishes won’t affect the comfort or longevity of the mattress. Always inspect these options in person to ensure that the imperfections are minimal and worth the discount being offered.

Remember, finding the best deal on a mattress in Brisbane doesn’t just mean getting the lowest price. It’s about balancing cost with quality, warranty, and customer service to ensure you’re truly getting the best value for your money.

Quality and Service: What to Look for in a Mattress Store

When you’re on the hunt for the best place to buy a mattress in Brisbane, it’s not just about the product; the quality of service and the shopping experience are equally crucial. You’ll want to ensure that the store you choose ticks all the right boxes in terms of both the range of mattresses it offers and the customer service it delivers.

Firstly, product quality is paramount. Look for stores that stock reputable brands known for their durability and comfort. A good indicator of a high-quality mattress is one that comes with a solid warranty—usually between 5 to 10 years. This not only signifies confidence in the product but also offers you peace of mind.

Customer service, on the other hand, can make or break your mattress buying experience. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Knowledgeable staff: You want help from someone who knows their products inside out. They should be able to guide you based on your specific needs, be it back support, firmness levels, or material types.
  • Attentive without being overbearing: The best staff strike the balance between being available for questions and allowing you the space to explore options at your own pace.
  • After-sales support: Look into the store’s return or exchange policies. Some retailers offer sleep trials that allow you to test the mattress at home for several weeks.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the importance of user reviews. Check online for customer feedback about their experiences with both the product quality and customer service of the store. This can provide valuable insights and help you narrow down your options.

By prioritizing these aspects, you’re better positioned to find a store that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, ensuring you invest in a mattress that contributes to a good night’s sleep for years to come.


Finding the perfect mattress in Brisbane doesn’t have to be daunting. Armed with the right knowledge about comfort, size, material, and budget, you’re well on your way.

Remember, the key is to balance cost with quality, ensuring you get the best value for your money. Don’t shy away from exploring sales, subscribing for deals, or even negotiating.

More importantly, choose a store that not only offers reputable brands and solid warranties but also prides itself on exceptional customer service and after-sales support. With these tips, you’re set to make a choice that’ll guarantee many nights of blissful sleep.

Happy mattress hunting!

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